Instalaciones | Installation art

Colección Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), USA.
Objeto, Instalación y happening | Object, installation and happening
Alpaca | Nickel silver
32 tenedores |32 designs of fork
20 cm aproximadamente |20 cm approximately
La Cena, es un momento imprescindible en la rutina humana, ha sido dignificada en liturgias y ritos disimiles. Es un motivo de encuentro por excelencia, familiar y profesional, en ambos casos escenario donde conviven intercambios y sentimientos encontrados. Los diseños que conforman esta serie, son motivados por las implicaciones presentes en su utilidad práctica y en la significación social de este suceso.
Dinner is an essential part of human routine. It has been dignified in liturgy and in diverse rituals. It is, in essence, a motive for family and business gatherings and in such instances it is also the setting where antagonistic views and exchanges concur. The designs that make up this series are motivated by the implications attached to its practical utility as well as the social significance of the event.