Instalación | Installation
Plástico (impresión digital 3D) y esmalte | plastic (printing 3D and ink)
Dimensiones variables | Variable dimensions
La unión de sentimientos contrarios, experiencias familiares, mitos populares y la belleza natural de estos insectos constituyen asociaciones que me atrae congeniar. Las mariposas nocturnas han sido objeto de temor y repudio en muchas culturas, sus tonos oscuros asociados a la muerte y malos augurios, son objeto de rechazo y hostilidad. Me interesa trasladar la impresión que producen estas mariposas a un plano estético y conceptual, procesos relativos al mito y la superstición que engendra el miedo a lo desconocido. Asocio estos sentimientos y acciones a procesos paralelos entre los hombres, como la xenofobia entre otras disimiles fobias a lo diferente.
The blend of contradicting feelings, family experiences, popular myths, and the natural beauty of these insects form aesthetic and conceptual associations that come together in this work. Perhaps because of their dark shades, moths areas sociated with death and bad luck. The species represented in this piece are migrants by nature, guided by the moon. That is why they so often make their way in to urban areas, attracted by artificial light, or seek shelter and rest from their trip during the day. Often they are rejected, harassed, or repudiated by fear. These feelings and actions are associated here with parallel courses, such as xenophobia or other forms of rejection to whatever is different. These are processes associated to myths and superstitions that breed fear of the unknown.