Objeto, instalación y happening | Object, installation and happening.
30 diseños de tazas y platos. Loza |30 designs of cups and dishes. Crockery.
Dimensiones variables

En la inauguración, realizada a las 10AM las tazas contenían leche y fueron usadas por el público que desayunó en ellas. Desayuno, aborda el despertar a una nueva percepción, impregnada por el sentido del comienzo, de percibir lo que el alimento oculta, blanco, opaco, fundido al continente, distinguible sólo por la sustancia.

At the opening, which took place at 10 am, the cups were filled with milk and served to the audience for breakfast. Breakfast deals with the awakening of a new perception filled with a sense of beginning, the perception of what lies hidden in the food beyond its being white, opaque, fused to the container, distinguishable merely as a substance.

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